Friday, January 22, 2010

Christie's Boudoir Album

Another boudoir album we custom designed. They should be coming in very soon. I can't wait to see them all printed up!

This is a 30 page, 10x10 custom designed coffee table album.

We start with the cover of the book. The left side wraps around the back of the book and the right side wraps around the front. Imagine a line straight down the middle wrapping the cover.

Then we get to the opening page. Left side will have a blank white page. Right side will be the opening page image.

Then we get to our 2 page spreads. Again, imagine a line down the middle for the fold in the book for the spreads.

Pages 2 and 3

Pages 4 and 5

Pages 6 and 7

Pages 8 and 9

Pages 10 and 11

Pages 12 and 13

Pages 14 and 15

Pages 16 and 17

Pages 18 and 19

Pages 20 and 21

Pages 22 and 23
(Will be back shortly)

Paages 24 and 25

Pages 26 and 27

Pages 28 and 29

Page 30 (will close out on left side with a blank white page on right side

Hope you enjoyed it. I absolutely LOVE this album!!

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